Salty Shrimp Black Water
Black Water Powder is a mixture of valuable trace elements as well as humic and fulvic acids with a multitude of positive effects on your aquarium and its inhabitants.
- Rich in valuable trace elements
- Strengthens the immune system of your aquarium inhabitants
- Antibacterial, reduces the bacterial load
- Prevents fungal infections
- Binds heavy metals
- Measuring spoon enclosed
- resealable can
Just sprinkle the desired amount of the powder on the water surface. Black Water Powder dissolves easily in any pH. Please note that the water will assume a brownish colour temporarily but will turn crystal-clear after a while. If the brownish colour remains for several days, please check your filter or reduce the dosage.
Depending on how densely the tank is stocked, dose approx. 1g to 50 litres of water every week. Measuring spoon markings: 1 ml = 0.5g / 2 ml = 1g
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