Earn a R10 store voucher for each review!

We want you to leave a review on each product that you have bought – you have to be logged in to your account in order to leave reviews. Only products you have bought can be reviewed. Whether you had a good or bad experience with the products, we want you to leave a honest review. This will assist the next person when they buy the products!

Quick Review Guide:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Click on your username.
  3. Click on orders.
  4. Open any of your order and it will show you all the items in that order.
  5. Click on any of the items and leave a review on that item

(If you are unable to click on an item or it is greyed out – it means it is currently out of stock – you will only be able to review that item once it is back in stock. There is a workaround for this: copy the product name, paste it in google and add “mcmerwe” behind your search – you will be directed to that item and you should be able to leave a review.)

Please note, that only reviews that has a star rating attached to them will count, so please make sure you add a star rating. You also need to add at least 10 words to you review. *Only one review per product is allowed.

After you have left your review/s, please contact us within 30 days and we will issue you a coupon code to use with your next purchase! These coupon codes are only valid for 2 months. *Take note that we don’t issue coupons less than R50 (you need to have reviewed 5 products).

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

Happy reviewing!