Bucephalandra sp. ‘Theia Green’
This Bucephalandra with the trading name “Theia Green” is produced in nurseries and tissue culture labs. It is relatively small and has obovate, short-stalked, quite soft leaves with round tip and a length of about 3 cm. The colour varies from dark olive green to light green; under water many silvery spots are visible. Its exact origin and species belonging is unknown to us, but as well as all Bucephalandras, it originates from Borneo island, growing as a rheophyte (adapted to strong current) on rock in the flood zone of rainforest streams. It probably belongs to the variable species Bucephalandra pygmaea.
As virtually all Bucephalandras, “Theia Green” is primarily an epiphyte on rock or wood. It can also be fixed to the bottom, however the rhizome must not be buried to avoid rotting. The plant looks best when grown with medium lighting, good water current and constant nutrient and CO2 supply. It is easily propagated by cutting terminal and side shoots.
Bucephalandra sp. “Theia Green” looks best on or at the base of hardscape in the aquarium midground. With its side shoots, it forms a dense stand with time.
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