ADA Drosera Spatulata
ADA Drosera Spatulata is a family of the carnivorous Drosera rotundifolia, and its cute size makes it a good match for small glass containers. It grows slowly with concentrically spreading leaves and can be used in a variety of Biolarks. This species in tissue culture cups has long, magnificent roots extending into the medium, making it easy to grow the plant in good condition after planting. Since it does not like a nutrient-rich environment, Tropical River Soil was used for the substrate in this example to create an environment that allows growth through moisture and photosynthesis.
- Type: Carnivorous/Terrarium
- Origin: Australia
- Growth rate: Medium
- Light demand: Low
- Perfect for DOOA projects
We recommend dividing the plant into several groups and planting them separately.
The plant has a trichome covered with mucilage to catch insects
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