ADA Bolbitis heteroclita
ADA Bolbitis heteroclita is a fern considered as an aquatic plant that is widely distributed in Southeast Asia for a long time. Of course, it is possible to grow it underwater, but its submerged leaves tend to become small and grow very slowly. And it is easy for algae to grow on the plant. Those are the shortcomings of Bolbitis heteroclita. Additionally, although its submerged leaves become beautiful translucent, they are hard and tend to prefer to be emersed with high humidity than being submerged.
Will this plant grow in your tank? We have made a guide to aid in growing/understanding aquatic plants. Decidedly Check it out >here<. View other plants that will grow in: ( Low Tech | Medium Tech | High Tech | All Plants )
*This is a Potted Plant and NOT a Tissue Culture Plant. This plant was grown in a greenhouse and is NOT guaranteed to be snail, algae or pesticide-free. Potted plants are cheaper than Tissue Culture Plants as they are not grown in a sterile laboratory. They generally appear to be bigger than Tissue Culture plants. We recommend Tissue Culture Plant for 100% client satisfaction.
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